Saturday 26 November 2011

Skills development: Planning


 This year when we first started to plan for our music video at first we all didn't have may ideas but after researching different music videos and music genres we started get lots of idea In both AS and in A2 we started off planning by brainstorming all of our ideas together. We first planned to use the song 'Dog days' by Florence and the machines but I thought that if we did a slower song it will be better so I suggested that we should change our song chose in the end they all argred that we should change our son to 'who yo are' by jessie which was my chose .what made our planning at first difficult was that no one in our group actually wanted to do the performing and they all was tiring to make me do it but I really didn't want to, so I looked for people who were willing to do it for use and in that process I asked my little sister Yumi if she wanted to be in my music video and strangely she agreed so that was a big reaealf for us. The other good thing about it was that Yumi already knew all the lyrics to the song we choose in the end which was 'who you are' by Jessie J so I think that made the production of our music video much quicker.
Planning where we will soot our base tracks

I also watched different videos of perfecting the production of music videos, videos of how to use the different camera settings

 When doing our story boarding I had an idea of make one of base tracks where Yumi is playing the guitar  I think this was an important part of our music video because it bring all the different base track together.

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