Saturday, 12 November 2011

Out on Barbican Location Researching areas to Film

As we were exploring the whole of the Barbican Centre, Annabel told us that there’s a lake somewhere around the Barbican Centre that would look amazing if we filmed there. We found this place and it was so picturesque. We instantly loved this part of the location for filming because the whole area was so peaceful and the architecture was so abstract that it would look amazing if our artist was there singing. The water element would play a huge asset to our music video because the water could reflect the lyrics of the song and symbolise how she is feeling – sad, unhappy, emotional, wanting to cry out but can’t, searching for herself. We really love this location and really hope that we can achieve our goal in filming there because it will be hugely advantageous.

The lake also has sitting areas where you almost can touch and feel the water. As a setting for one of the base tracks, it would look amazing having our artist sitting there with the water and the environment honing in on her performance. Just the way this location looks, should create an image of how our artist is feeling, channelling this emotion through her performance in this location. Its crucial that we first establish this scene with a long shot and a panning shot, following the conventions of most music videos where their location is amazing to be at, trying to illustrate that to the audience. 

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