Monday 21 November 2011

Editing in Monday workshop

Today when I went to workshop I saved all the clips that we filmed on the week end and placed them in final cut pro with our other clips. The good thing about it this time that it was easier to sync the clips with the music because we filmed different shots and angles of  Yumi singing the whole song so when it came to sycning it with the song it was much quicker to layer all the clips. Although when filming on the very first day I did say to my group that we should film Yumi singing the whole song with all the different shots that we did but they thought that will take to long so we didn't do it but when it came to editing thoughts clips it was confusing because we had lots of clips were Yumi is singing different parts of the song and I found it difficult to match up all of ours clips together like that so this time I made sure that we filming her singing the whole song .

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