Tuesday 20 September 2011

Research for the Music video: Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin

This theorist looks at the narrative of a music video. He believes that pop video’s don’t use the traditional narrative style because they are “avant garde”, meaning overly trendy but because they don’t have the traditional structure of a narrative; normality-problem-resolution.

Reasons for the different narrative structures:
  • Pop videos are obviously built around the song itself, and often the songs don’t have a traditional narrative structure
  • Pop videos use the singer as a narrator and as a character. 
  • The singer has many shots where he/she is looking right into the camera, this gets the audience at home more involved with the performance.  
He also says that pop videos rely on repetition. For example images are repeated just as the lyrics or choruses are repeated within the song. Some video's are "autonomous", meaning that the video maybe somethign completely different to what the song is actualy about, and this is where the three types of relations between songs and video's come in:
  • Illistration - this is when the video with the song has a narrative 
  • Amplification - when the video introduces a meaning yet it can be interpreted in many other ways thus has a layer of meanings.
  • Disjuncture - there is little relation between the song and the video and the lyrics. 

Example of Disjuncture :

      Eliza Doolittle 'Pack up'

Example of Illustration: 

                            Jessi J 'Who's laughing now' 

Example of Amplification: 

                        Lady Gaga 'Bad Romace

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