Wednesday 28 September 2011

Research for music video: Analysis of my preferred music video.

I watched the music video for 'Bad romance' by Lady Gaga so that was a simple analyse of the video I did but I think there are still more important points in the video. I think this video show how she went through her music career and how it has changed her as an artist.
This shot shows Lady Gaga coming out of the coffin showing the viewers that she is coming out to the music industry the birth of a new different artist.

This close up of her with the big eyes shows innocents this reflects back to when she first started her music career.

In this next scene we see that she is been forced to take off her clothes this shows that her innocence is being taken away as well and being stripped down to her sexual image. Looking back the Andrew Goodwin's theory Lady Gaga is the singer and the main character the victim in this music video and she is in the centre of attention making the viewers familiar with her face and image.

These two shots shows her in the middle surrounded by men that she her as an object the same with how the music industry see artists.

                                    There is definitely a contrast between the mise en scene in both these shots because at the start of before she came into the music industry. But in the second shot they are wearing red clothes and stronger make up showing the dark and dirty side of the music industry.

I think this is a very feminist video about what women have to do and how they are seen as in the music industry but at the same time shows her in control of the situation and it promote her as an artist very well because it uses different techniques to draw so the viewers in so they remember and find the hidden meaning in this video interesting making they know who the artist was. 


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