Sunday 25 September 2011

Analysis of a previous student video

Select one piece of the student music video and analyse by using the theories of Goodwin, Vernallis and Mulvey.

I watched the music video of where the main singer is the Asian boy singing. I think that by using Andrew Goodwin’s theory, that this music video is an Amplification because even though the music video does not contradict the lyrics, it adds another level of meaning that isn’t shown through the lyrics which adds another element to the concept of the lyrics. Based on Carol Vernallis’s theory, the camera work have a wide variety of shots like long, short, close ups and in my opinion very good hand held camera work. All these stay true to the conventions of how a music video should look like. Based on Laura Mulvey’s theory, it challenges it because the man singer is no shown through sexual exploitation.  

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