Saturday 24 September 2011

Reflecting back on the As year

Obviously the beginning of the As year we had the intro to everything, about the equipment down to the shot types. Amazingly all of that managed to get into our brains and put onto a big screen at the end. I didn't just learn about the technical skills but also general skill's such as :
- organisation
- Time management skills
- Learning to work in a group

 There was alot to take in looking back at last year. We looked at all the shot types and tried to do a story board with digital pictures. That's some of the story board from last year on the right

  On the note of technical skill's, alot has been learnt. ALOT!!!! Such as :
- Handheld camerawork
- Filming enough to have continuity within the actual film
-Close up's; which i remember was majorly emphasized on by the teachers, "there's not enough close up's!!!!"

Also learning how to use Final Cut Pro... I must say that was quiet difficult however with the help of my group we managed to edit. I found it quiet complicated, using that software, and i still feel when I'm back at it again i will kind of struggle but then again i might not.

While editing our trailer, we also added sound from Sound Pro. Which was really good, allowed us to make naturalistic everyday sounds that would fit the action within the trailer.

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