Saturday 1 October 2011

Research for Music video: Skills Audit

Looking back at the As year of media.. i have to say my skills with using the Mac's were really limited, and honestly at the moment they still are. I just find those machines really complicated. Hopefully when we go back to the actual editing this time round i will be more involved in the editing s then i can have a real go at it and truly expand my editing skills. 

I mean i didn't really get a go to really learn how to use the editing software. Anyway moving away from that and looking at my camera skill's, i wasn't that bad on i because i had done media for my GCSE's, so using the camera and fulfilling those shots we had planned to do wasn't really a mission, but this time round i hope to have a more of challenge when t comes to the actual filming, just to see how i can cope with it.

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