Friday 21 October 2011


Our main locations are: 
- Angel
- Hyde Park
- Liverpool street
- Newington Green Park 

When looking at the location we also had to keep in mind the ideas that we have already decided for our actual music video. One of the main concepts were that we'd have different looks on the artist with a contrasting mis-en-scene. 

On the left is Liverpool street and on the right is an emo look that we will try and give to our artist, these two opposites have a contrast thus will try and emphasize the whole idea of "Who you are" and also try and show the audience that this person is out of place. 


      This is in Hyde park, we've decided that it will be our base track for the artist, where she will be in her casual clothes, to show what she really feels comfortable in, and here also she will have a guitar. 

We're also going to have a smart look while she's in the park, here again we have the contrast of a smart look while she's in the park.


We also thought that she could have a party look in the middle of a shopping centre again emphasizing on the point of her being an outcast.


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