Saturday 15 October 2011

Planing: Original video

This is thee first scene that we see in the music video. The artist is palced in the middle of this frame this shows that she has everyong attention  and the artist is looking directy at the camera this will also make the viewers feel that she is commuticating with them. This scene is shown for the first 44 seconds of the video.

I think what made this video work was her performance even though theres the same shot of her sitting in font of the camera with a bedroom scene in the back her performance made it intersting to watch and near the end of the video the rain created and showed a different mood the song like it's saying washing away your bad feelings and "just be true to who you are."

This video is very simple with just one mise en scene the bedroom in so our video we would liketoo have a range of different scenes to make it even more dramatic and looking at Anderw Goodwin's thoery our video will be an anplification.

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