We first wanted a close up shot of our artist singing the whole song as another base track, so that when we are editing, we can go back and forth from various base tracks. You cane see that we just wanted to focus from her chest and above so you can see her dress which is black based on an ‘emo’ outfit and her face that had her ‘emo’ look make up. We wanted to make sure that the camera focused perfectly level on her. We also had to position the camera perfectly because if we didn’t you were able to see the reflection of the camera and ourselves on the window.
We also focused the camera just on her lips as she sang the whole song because her lips had a shade of red on, in contrast from the other previous shots.
We also recorded a scene where our artist – Yumi, is at the centre of an ally way where it’s very over crowded. We shot this scene for just over a minute and half because what our objective is for this scene is that when we are editing, we want Yumi to be standing still in real motion and have the people around her walking in fast motion. We want this effect because we want to show how our artist is feeling almost invisible, that nobody is noticing her, she almost feels an outsider who lost her identity. We were very wary of the fact that it was raining very heavily but we used this to our advantage as the dismal weather played onto her character of an ‘emo’ look. It was also very, very cold, so we prioritised in keeping Yumi warm by having her wear her jacket after each shot we recorded.
Filming on the swings to emphasise that she is alone in a happy environment - contrast from location her feelings |
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