Wednesday 11 January 2012

Research: What makes a good looking Digipak

During the lesson on Friday 6th January, I was looking at everybody else’s Digipaks and started to see that most people used the original photographs with effects on. I was concerned whether or not my Digipak cover might have been too much with an illustrative interpretation of our artist. I told Annabel this and she said that it was ‘completely ok’ and that ‘I was doing the right thing’. This gave me reassurance as she said that most of the successful Digipak covers are based on illustration or have some kind of motifs. She said that I should look at Google Top Ten Digipak, which I did and saw that the really good ones had illustration on. I think the reason is because it makes the message come alive. Here are some that I found at Google Top Ten Digipaks and that I like:

Kesha Album Cover
Michael Jackson Album Cover

Bruno Mars
My Chemical Romance
But my favourite one is the Kesha album cover because I like how the limited use of colours are used to convey how the artist is feeling. It also suits the genre that the artist belongs to which is the same as our one which is RNB/POP. I really love how they used the original photo of the artist and literally painted her over. This idea I really love and hope to achieve perfectly with my Digipak. The colours really accentuates the mood and what type of feeling you would get listening to the album.

My colours that I have picked and sticking with the ‘3 colour rule’ are purple, blue and creamy white with their different tones like darker and lighter of the desired colours e.g. dark/light purple.


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