Tuesday 10 January 2012

Finished product

This is my final piece which is my advertisement, i decided to have it horizontally firstly because its conventional and second is that it looks good and theere is enough space for me to place the things in which are needed within a conventional digipak advertisement . Also there are comments by people who play quiet a strong role within the advertising industry. I've placed the radio times where there will be a chance for the artists music to be played. 

This is the inside of my digipak, i've decided to keep it very simple as i feel it reflects the artists music video, which really presents the artist as a singer song writer. 

This is the front and back of my digipak, what i've changed is the writing on the back, from a dark brown colour to white as it is eaiser to read. Again i have kept it simple and have tried to stick to the colour plan of sand and muted brown colours.  

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