Sunday, 29 January 2012

My Last Post

I can't believe that this is My last post!!! Just have to say this has been an amazing roller coaster of stress, relief and glad moments!

Its been real good working with new people that i didn't know in my As year but now i do!!
Adios Amigos !!


I think I'm going to cry :'(

I have finally finished I have learnt so much from this project it was stressful at times but I enjoyed every moment of it.

Thank you and a big thank you to my sister Yumi for being our artist 

This song is dedicated to Group 32 :) and my blog


Q4: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Looking the feedback I got I think that we needed to focus more on the editing our because some people said that the lip-sync didn't work and the camera was a bit too shaky.
But in saying this I think that it wasn't our editing skills that needed improving and in the cinema when our video freezed it a technical problem, I made sure when finishing editing our music video perfectly our teacher checked it for us and it was all in sync and it didn't freeze. But after when I watched our final video in vimeo the ending part wasn't in sync so I don’t know what we did wrong. 
I have learnt that I have to check if the video is in sync even after it was check by our teacher and I would of improved on out camera skills and make the panning and tracking look more smoother. 
Ancillary product

 The feed back I got for my ancillary product were mostly positive they like the way I used the lights with the image creating the effect of a dreamy look they also like the images I used but when looking at both music video and my ancillary product they said they found it a bit hard to see the link between the two. I feel that, that is the case I think I needed to make a more clear link between the music video and my digipak. I did try and link some imagery by using an image of the artist with her guitar linking it to one of our base tracks in the video. 




Saturday, 28 January 2012




My last post

Throughout the course work part of the course not only have I learned new skills I have also improved on ones already gained.
Firstly working with a group of people who I have never met before was quite daunting, but it was interesting. We were all people of different personalities but as a group we fused well; really getting on with each other (at most times). It was quite a pleasure to work with Famida, Ahmed & Mika ;).

I learnt being a pop star isn’t as easy as it looks, its hard working, repeating the same words and moves over again while being filmed at different angles. Although filming it was quite fun.
But while taalkign of popstar i think i should say a BIG thank you to Yumi, who agreed to be our artist, as we couldn't find anyone.

Yeah I AM NOW SICK OF HEARING ‘Who you are’ I’ve realised I can not listen to it unless I’m in media.

But overall it’s been a fun learning experience. It’s quite sad that this is my last blog post (wiping the tear from my eye as I type ;’( )

Well Salute My blog, Group 32 and Blogger.

Evaluation: Question 4

The audience seemed to really enjoy our music video apart from the little blip in in. The audience feedback we recieved was quite positive. Below are two feedback videos I have chosen:

The video is not uploading, however here is the link to the video feedback:

One think which Nick commented on was the performance, this is actually something we went back and re-recorded to improve it as it wasn't as good as it is now. He also mentions the over the shoulder shot, which was also another shot which we went back and filmed.

Personally I think there could have been improvements, however most of the major flaws, we suffered at the start, we went back and ironed them out. I think the last shot of her standing in the leaves for example would have been better if they came from both sides. Also i would have planned better, as most of the shots were filmed on the day and not planned in advanced. This would of allowed us to spend less time filming day after day with useless footage and it would of meant more time in the editing suite.
The shots im most proud of is the jump cuts and the shot where the surrounding around Yumi is sped up.

As for my digipack people said they really liked it, especially the track listing layout as it's in a polaroid style. They saw the link between the video and the album cover, the guitar being the common factor between the two.

Some wernt so keen on the colour, but i explained that i chose brown as it was neutral and the colour's meaning.

If i could improve my digipack i would take the photos myself and make sure thats there's not alot of shadow in the image as it looks really bad on the CD cover. Also making sure that the background is contrasted with the colour of the outfit as this would make it easier when using the magic wand tool.

Here is a link to my digipack:

The review of my advert was quite good aswell as people saw the connection between the CD and poster as the same colours and fonts were used throoughout. They also picked up on the star ratings which gave them an idea of what the music industry thought of the album.

Although they liked it i would have changed the picture, looking back i dont think it looks as nice. Also where the album title and name is, i would have liked to place it somewhere else as i feel its not best suited there. From feedback they said I could of filled the gap with some informtion as it looks bare.

Here is a link to my advertisment:

Evaluation: Question 4

What have You Learned from Audience Feedback?

After watching mine and everybody else's music video in the cinema, I asked a couple of people what they thought about our music video and this is what they said:

Evaluation: Question 3

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your man product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement)?

Advertisement and Music Video
Digipak and Music Video
Digipak, Advertisement and Music Video

Evaluation: Question 1

Question 4

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I have had really good feedback after our music video being watched by my fellow media peers.

Above is a link to the actual music video

As soon as our music video finished we had a round of applause which is the first good sign. So i felt that i had done a good job including my group. So now to get the real feedback from the audience. I got a few quick interviews done by me of my friends who also watched the music video. And i have to say the feedback was fantastically positive. 


Me and my peers at the cinemas

Above are two recordings of some feedback from other media students who were present at the cinemas. After going through those two video's one of the things that were favoured by the audience was the different costumes that we decided to have the artist wear. That makes me think glad of that specific idea my group and i came up with.

This is just some feedback from some friends who have also watched the music video by logging into vimeo, they gave me their feedback through the use of Blackberry messenger.

So here is just some of my feedback.

So what would i do differently after hearing all this feedback?

Looking back at the making of the music video i think the first thing i would like do differently is put more time into the making of it. We only filmed in the space of 2 days because we had to give back the cameras. I think because we would film more on the difference on the costume and try to emphasise that she is some way an out caste.

Above is just a link to an animate video which has feedback on digipak. Ok! So the only minor little problem i had was my digipak apparently doesn't clearly show any link between the music video and the digipak. However my video explains my opinion on that this is on another post called question 4 part 2

I did get some opinions on my digipak, such as 'Fahmida your digipak seems quiet plain'. After hearing that I do see my digipak in a different light, if i had the chance to do it again I would probably use different shades of colour in order to attract the buyers attention. However the reason to why I picked those colours was because it reflects the kind of mood the music brings, which is quiet calm. And those colours that i have chosen do reflect it. 

So coming to an end to this last question, i would have to say the work i have done has had positive amount of responses to it. And i feel i have accomplished my taste in an efficient way, howevev i do feel i could have done more in order to attain much better comments.


Question 3

Friday, 27 January 2012

Question 4 part 2

Evaluation: Question 3

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipack and advertisment)?

Mika, Mohammed, Kyle, Fahmida from 283goswell on Vimeo. by CandiMedia

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Evaluation: Question 1

Be a popstar

This is a scrapbook i found on beeclip related to being a pop star. When reading it, it made me think about if we met this criteria and I think we did.

I think Yumi defiantly had fun while filming. This is the spinning close up in the video where we spun her around in a trolley with the camera mounted on it.

Although much wasn't done with Yumi's hair, she had fun with the make up. In this picture we can see  the extravagant eyelashes and the heavy black make up around the eyes.

And Yumi's personality came across in her performance.

So we can say Yumi was a great pop star =D

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Evaluation Question 2

Friday, 20 January 2012

Evaluation question 1

My music video doesn't really challenge the ideas of any music video which use the conventional ideas in order for it to fullfil it purpose of promoting the artist. For example my music video has continuous shots of the artist in order to promote the artist this is typically done in real music videos. Another thing is that the camera moves in time with the music, now most likely every music video made does this, and this is just another form of music video convention.  

Why i included somethings on my CD

I added a QR code as most people now have a smartphone, so by scanning this hey can access the website and additional features.

The layout of the back cover has the track names in a polaroid type style. I chose this as i thought it was created and related to the songs as the songs are related to the singer's life and photos capture a moment in a persons life.

I added a heart in love as this was not only related to the title of the album but it added more of a personal touch. The heart was also carried through on the 'I' of Yumi and on the CD inside the case.

As the album is titled Love i include a quote that i found about love, 'Love is the beauty of the soul', as the album is mainly targeted at girls/ women they might find this as a nice little touch.

The colour brown is a calm colour and not too 'stand-outish', also brown is supposed to connotes supplying a feeling of wholesomeness, which is what the album could give to listeners.

Final Ancillary product

Final digipack

Mika, Mohammed, Kyle, Fahmida from 283goswell on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

When thinking of ideas of what my digipack could look like I was trying to think of as many creative ideas as possible.

Some that I came up with were:

An Andy Warhol inspired design of the Yumi’s face


Two halves of Yumi’s face (one side with make up the other side without)

A collage of different pictures making Yumi’s face.

I really wanted to do the collage idea as i would it would be a challenge too make, but I wouldn't of been able to complete in the time, we had to complete our ancillary products in.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Do's and Dont's when making ancillary products

When making our digipacks there were some do's and don'ts we were giving, this was to help us make a successful and professional looking digipack.

Use a clear font - this is a given so it can be easily read
Use clear photos
Be careful where the font is positioned
Use an appropriate colour
Use appropriate logos and position them correctly

Use layer styles
Use a font just because you like it
Place text on the artists face
Stretch images

I think the do's and dont's are really helpful, espically the ones about fonts as when making my digipack i found that the fonts that i 'liked' didn't usually work with the product. Also instead of stretching the image cropping it.