Sunday 29 January 2012

My Last Post

I can't believe that this is My last post!!! Just have to say this has been an amazing roller coaster of stress, relief and glad moments!

Its been real good working with new people that i didn't know in my As year but now i do!!
Adios Amigos !!


I think I'm going to cry :'(

I have finally finished I have learnt so much from this project it was stressful at times but I enjoyed every moment of it.

Thank you and a big thank you to my sister Yumi for being our artist 

This song is dedicated to Group 32 :) and my blog


Q4: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Looking the feedback I got I think that we needed to focus more on the editing our because some people said that the lip-sync didn't work and the camera was a bit too shaky.
But in saying this I think that it wasn't our editing skills that needed improving and in the cinema when our video freezed it a technical problem, I made sure when finishing editing our music video perfectly our teacher checked it for us and it was all in sync and it didn't freeze. But after when I watched our final video in vimeo the ending part wasn't in sync so I don’t know what we did wrong. 
I have learnt that I have to check if the video is in sync even after it was check by our teacher and I would of improved on out camera skills and make the panning and tracking look more smoother. 
Ancillary product

 The feed back I got for my ancillary product were mostly positive they like the way I used the lights with the image creating the effect of a dreamy look they also like the images I used but when looking at both music video and my ancillary product they said they found it a bit hard to see the link between the two. I feel that, that is the case I think I needed to make a more clear link between the music video and my digipak. I did try and link some imagery by using an image of the artist with her guitar linking it to one of our base tracks in the video. 




Saturday 28 January 2012




My last post

Throughout the course work part of the course not only have I learned new skills I have also improved on ones already gained.
Firstly working with a group of people who I have never met before was quite daunting, but it was interesting. We were all people of different personalities but as a group we fused well; really getting on with each other (at most times). It was quite a pleasure to work with Famida, Ahmed & Mika ;).

I learnt being a pop star isn’t as easy as it looks, its hard working, repeating the same words and moves over again while being filmed at different angles. Although filming it was quite fun.
But while taalkign of popstar i think i should say a BIG thank you to Yumi, who agreed to be our artist, as we couldn't find anyone.

Yeah I AM NOW SICK OF HEARING ‘Who you are’ I’ve realised I can not listen to it unless I’m in media.

But overall it’s been a fun learning experience. It’s quite sad that this is my last blog post (wiping the tear from my eye as I type ;’( )

Well Salute My blog, Group 32 and Blogger.