Saturday 3 December 2011

Analysis of previous student work

This is a CD cover created by a previous student. I really like the bright colours used as its really eye catching. The front cover is very interesting as the pose works perfectly well with the banner above her. Also the font chosen is very nice, its clear to read even though it is cursive.

The fact that they have incoporated the helicopter from the video on to the CD cover is very good intertextuality and it shows a clear connection between the two products. The inner left panel carry's on that 'animated' theme with the sun and her looking up at it with a speech bubble coming from her.

The advert carrys on the same theme and uses the same album cover picture. This gives consumers/ the auidence a clear connection showing that all porducts are related. Overall its a very good poster, however my one criticism is that the blue writing is hard to read.

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